Category Archives: Art, General

Painting #18. Toothiness I ~~ the Start of Another Intermittent Series

My hubby and I stick our toothbrushes into a tarnished old holder in between brushings.  Awhile back, I started paying attention to how they’re standing ~~ are they facing each other leaning in for a kiss?  Are they turned away from each other?  Is one facing away while the other looks on?

It’s been fun anthropomorphizing these humble objects.  I’ve even started noticing brush positions at other folks’ homes — family, mind you, not friends!!  I’ve taken photos of some of these little vignettes and even crafted some arrangements.  They’re a form of truthiness — errrr toothiness, right??  Or am I just crazy?

Here’s a painting of our ancient holder and current brushes, from life . . . .

#18. Toothiness I. Oil on Arches Oil Paper. 8″ x 10″.


Thinking of You, Dad. Belated Memorial Day Salute!

I hope everyone had a good and thoughtful Memorial Day weekend.  I spent a lot of it remembering and reflecting about my late father and his military service.  Thank you, Dad!

Thought I’d share some photos from his service as a Marine pilot in the Pacific in 1945.  As many of you know, he shot down 5 Japanese planes on his first combat mission, becoming an ace at his first opportunity.  He never gloried in these killings.  In fact, he had a Mass said on behalf of those other young pilots every year on the anniversary of their deaths.

Africa: Motherland, not S***hole.

I’ve been busy on our Gallery B exhibit, which kicked off last night with a public reception.  The weather cooperated and a number of folks came by to enjoy chocolates and art.

I woke up today with different thoughts on my mind ~~ recent denigrations of people based on their home country (and skin color??).  I love the phrase ‘out of Africa’ for its pithy recognition that all of us are children of Africa.  We have a common lineage.  Where we settled ~~ hot equator or cooler clime ~~ determined whether our skins darkened or not.  I’m sensing T-shirts, mugs and other swag for this one!

happy figure bursting out of the motherland, Africa

Out of Africa. Original iPad Painting. 2018. 1:1 aspect ratio.


Last One ~~ Crispy White x 3

Here’s the final painting I’ve just finished for the Gallery B show that started yesterday in downtown Bethesda.  This one is close to home ~~ drama glimpsed during a morning walk.  A blindingly white, newly refinished house, over which a white-crusted eastern plane tree rose like a majestic crown, over which floated  the daintiest puffy white clouds I’d seen in awhile.  I quickly captured the stunning column.  Here.


Crispy White x 3. Oil on linen panel. 2018. 16×20.



Sixth Effort ~~ Daydreaming in Cream

This one seems to pair well with yesterday’s painting.  I wanted to do them simultaneously so as to capture, if I could, somewhat of the same, dreamy, calm, mysterious feel.  (It’s actually based on a faded Polaroid photo I have in my stash.)


Day Dreaming in Cream. Oil on Arches oil paper. 2018. 12×12.

Fifth New Oil Painting ~~ Fishing in Cream

Today’s painting is decidedly different from the others you’ve seen so far.  It’s one of two that have a different color palette and strike a very dreamy mood (in my opinion).  We happened on this scene while zipping along on Maryland’s Eastern Shore.  It reminded me of a life very different from my own.  Fortunately, folks on the Eastern Shore and in my own Biloxi, Mississippi, still take the time for such contemplation.


Fishing in Cream. Oil on Arches Oil Paper. 2018. 12×16.

Wade’s Point Inn ~~ Fourth Painting

This scene is a souvenir of a wonderful long weekend my husband and I spent at a waterfront inn south of Easton, MD one lazy August.  Both sons and their families were there, along with one set of parents in law.  There were white lawn chairs, hammocks under beautiful pines, and a fire circle down the shore.  We went crabbing in the bay, fishing in the river, and had a wonderful crab feast to top things off.

Wades Point Inn IMG_7959

Wade’s Point Inn. Oil on Linen Panel. 2017. 12 x 12.

See the Paintings ~~ Eat the Chocolate!

You’re invited to a ‘Reception with Chocolate‘, Friday, Jan. 12, 6 to 8 pm. at Gallery B in downtown Bethesda, MD.  The Bethesda Urban Partnership invited our artist group, the Seven Palettes, to exhibit in its showcase gallery from January 10th through February 3rd.  This event celebrates our opening.

If you can’t join us then, there will be other opportunities:

A Design Seminar ~ ‘How to Integrate Artwork into Your Home’ (featuring interior designer/artist Pat Choquette), Jan. 21st, 1 to 3 pm.

A ‘Reception with Champagne’ celebrating the closing.  Jan. 28th, 2 to 5 pm.

Regular Gallery Hours ~~ Jan. 10 through Feb. 3rd, Wed. ~ Sat., 11 am to 5 pm.

But if you want CHOCOLATE, swing by on the 12th.  Here’s a peek at last year’s champagne reception.


Reception at Gallery B. January 2017.


Second Painting for Exhibit ~~ Eastern Shore Blues


Eastern Shore Blues. Oil on Linen. 2017. 16 x 20

My husband and I love to go driving on the Eastern Shore of the Chesapeake Bay.  There are always luscious views of marshes, fields, the bay, and the many streams that flow into it.  Fertile ground for painting.  This new painting will be shown for the first time at our upcoming exhibit at Gallery B in Bethesda.