Tag Archives: Bethesda Urban Partnership

We ‘Seven Palettes’ had a great opening reception yesterday!

The day was cold and icy, but that didn’t deter our lively guests from traveling to Gallery B in Bethesda to celebrate the opening of our month-long art exhibit.  Thanks to all of our friends and family who were able to attend.  And for those who couldn’t get there – we missed you!

Each of us made several nice sales of paintings, prints and greeting cards – and received kudos from those who weren’t in a position to buy.  Here’s a glimpse of the festivities.

Another New Painting for Gallery B

Here’s another new painting for the Gallery B show.  Also inspired by the C & O Canal — late afternoon with the sun raking low across the tree tops.

C & O Face-off. Oil on Linen. 8 x 10.

I did a similar scene in gouache a few years ago, when I was first dabbling in that medium.  I love the contrast between the trees in light and shadow and their reflections in the calm canal water.

C & O Autumn. Gouache.





New Exhibit Starting ~~ Gallery B in Downtown Bethesda ~~ January 2017

Some of my painting pals and I (aka ‘the 7 Palettes’) applied awhile back to exhibit our art at Gallery B in downtown Bethesda, MD.  We were honored to be selected for a month-long exhibit at this prestigious location during January 2017.  Gallery B is a project of the Bethesda Urban Partnership, a local non-profit organization charged by Montgomery County, MD with promoting Bethesda.  It gives special support to the arts in our area.

Under the theme of ‘Local Color’, we will showcase our art reflecting the lovely scenes and vistas of the Greater Washington area.  Here’s one of my recent paintings of the C & O Canal that will be displayed during this exhibit.

canal and trees

C & O Spotlight. Oil on Linen. 11 x 14.

Gallery B is located at 7700 Wisconsin Avenue, #E, Bethesda, MD 20814.  Gallery hours are 12:00 – 6:00 pm Wednesdays through Saturdays.  There will be a public reception during the Bethesda ‘Art Walk’,  January 13th, 6:00 – 8:00 pm.  Please join us!




