Tag Archives: iPad art

Getting Back in Touch!

I’ve been busy on other things for quite awhile (largely grantwriting for the Ohr-O’Keefe Museum of Art in Biloxi, MS), but want to catch you up on my art doings, such as they’ve been since my last post.

Here’s a fun iPad/ArtRage portrait I did of grandson Ben sitting on a big boulder. I loved the pose and colors. Palm trees are also a favorite of mine, but they’re a particular challenge.  And foreshortened legs and feet?  Another opportunity for close observation ~~ and a little fun exaggeration.

On a Rock. Original iPad Painting. 5:7 aspect ratio.

Striking while the iPad ‘iron’ was hot! More unanticipated PR!

Pink Rooster features Maureen’s iPad Painting on its Facebook banner.

When I sent Marc his thank you drawing, I also sent another iPad thank you to Linda Rosetti, delightful owner of the charming Pink Rooster in Ocean Springs, MS.  Ms Rosetti had hosted the workshop participants and Marc one evening after our plein air session for the day.  Wild hair, paint-spattered clothes, sunburns and all.

In a surprise equivalent to Marc’s Instagram posting, Linda posted my image as the banner photo for the Rooster’s Facebook page.  Again, the ‘likes’ were a heart-warming follow-on. Thanks, Linda!!



Africa: Motherland, not S***hole.

I’ve been busy on our Gallery B exhibit, which kicked off last night with a public reception.  The weather cooperated and a number of folks came by to enjoy chocolates and art.

I woke up today with different thoughts on my mind ~~ recent denigrations of people based on their home country (and skin color??).  I love the phrase ‘out of Africa’ for its pithy recognition that all of us are children of Africa.  We have a common lineage.  Where we settled ~~ hot equator or cooler clime ~~ determined whether our skins darkened or not.  I’m sensing T-shirts, mugs and other swag for this one!

happy figure bursting out of the motherland, Africa

Out of Africa. Original iPad Painting. 2018. 1:1 aspect ratio.


New iPad Images: Buzz Lightyear and Friend

I haven’t done much iPad painting over the last year (carpal tunnel issues), but every now and then I see a subject that’s compelling enough so I can’t resist.  These two pieces were inspired by grandson Max’s toys:  Buzz Lightyear (perched on Max’s dresser) and a red robot whose name I never got.  Do you know who he is??

As with all of my iPad art, fine quality prints are available at reasonable prices.

Buzz Lightyear

Buzz Lightyear. iPad.

Red Robot

Red Robot. iPad.



