Author Archives: Maureen

Painting #6 – Get Me Outta Shepherdstown (For Now)! Sick of Mixing Greens! Give Me Koi!!

My plan to overdose on Shepherdstown scenes must pause.  I’m tired of the greens there — and the extreme difficulty of mixing them from my limited palette.  I need to do some off-painting experimentation to see if I can develop some better mixes.

In the meantime, here are some koi, which I’ve been wanting to try for years. I like it, though the composition is too lopsided to the left, isn’t it?  I didn’t want to include the reference’s departing duck sailing at lower right.  Should I add a baby koi down there?  Or would that be too ‘coy’?  Should I preserve the area as the tranquil spot where the eyes can rest??  And dang – more green issues!  A problem for the future.

#6 Koi Without Duck. Oil on Paper. 10″x8″.

Koi with Duck.

Painting #5 – Secluded Culvert & Stream at Shepherdstown

Yesterday’s painting – #5 of the daily painting project!

When we saw this scene last year at Shepherdstown near the Potomac River, we didn’t know exactly what it was — discolored parapet, water culverts, old stone pillars, small gushing stream, totally shaded by trees.  Mysterious.  Drew our attention.

I’m thinking this painting still needs a lot of ‘clarifying’ work.  May or may not ‘go back in’ and tweak it some more.  I scraped off some whites above the ‘black hole’ because they were way too bight, but probably should add some other light colored patches there . . .

Stream and Culvert at Shelpherdstown. Oil on Paper. 8″x10″.

Painting #4 – Potomac River at Shepherdstown

Here’s yesterday’s painting, along with its reference.  I feel like I’m on a marathon and am ALREADY huffing and puffing!!

Potomac River at Shepherdstown WV – #4. Oil on Paper. 8″x10″.

Potomac River at Shepherdstown WV .


Painting #3 – Resting at Shepherdstown

Here’s my third of the 100 painting project — still on the Shepherdstown WV subject matter.  This one was simple compared to those other two!

The painting & the reference.

Shepherdstown boaters, resting. Oil on Paper. 8″x10″. 2018.

Photo of Shepherdstown boaters.

Painting #2 – Kayaking at Shepherdstown

I hadn’t gotten done with being proud of Sunday’s 1-of-100 painting when – – – – it was time to do another one!  This is gonna be tough!  Since I’ll have lots of surfaces to kill during this project, I figure I’ll keep going with more of my Shepherdstown references til I have a little collection of similars.

Here’s #2, along with its reference.  Hmmm, the minute I put the brush down I start counting the snafus.

Shepherdstown Kayak. Oil on Paper. 8×10. 2018.

Potomac River at Shepherdstown Bridge



One study down and ninety-nine to go!

At our recent workshop, Marc Hanson suggested we do a quick painting a day for 100 days and we would see a big improvement in our skills.  Number small panels 1 to 100 and put each away as it’s finished,  When you’re done with all of them, line ’em up in order and you’ll be surprised at what you’ve learned and how much better you’ve become.  And start the next 100.

I’ve started the process.  ‘Quasi-daily’ painting also ought to produce good change, right??

Here’s #1 — based on a reference photo I took on a hot summer day by the Potomac River bridge (new +  old fragments) at Shepherdstown, WV.  In the noonday sun, folks were swimming and kayaking on the still water and walking their dogs in the rocky shallows.  My hubby and I were enjoying the cool shadowed woods along the bank.  Heaven.  The painting is too busy — should have simplified more, but it does ‘bring me back’!

Study #1, Potomac at Shepherdstown. Oil on Paper. 8×10. 2018.

The reference.







My Art at the Heart of the Home ~~ the Student-built PGCPS Home!

I trekked over to PG County yesterday to attend the reception for the PGCPS students who built and decorated a primo house.  I was delighted to find that three of my works had been incorporated into the kitchen/breakfast nook — the heart of the home.  (And some of my pieces also snagged prime placement in other essential spaces — the powder rooms!  Well, someone’s had to go there! LOL). My works could also be found in the office and upstairs hallway.

Here are a few pictures from the exuberant celebration, where students, parents, grandparents, builder/mentors, teachers, student musicians, and the press mingled and munched.

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My Art for PGCPS Student House Project & Upcoming Reception

Prince George’s County Public School interior design students selected the following artworks of mine for display in the student-built house that opens to proud parents and friends next Thursday, May 6, and to realtors on May 8-9. The young folk chose oil paintings, water color paintings as well as digital art.  They also used artwork from the Black Panther movie, an idea I’d suggested for the children’s rooms.

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I am truly honored to have been chosen to participate in this wonderful project.  Kudos to the young folks for their hard work and obviously effective results, as pictured in my last blog post.

Providing Art for Fab Students of Prince George’s County Public Schools!!

Every year students from Prince George’s County Public Schools build houses — YES, HOUSES!  The teens serve as carpenters, floor installers, plumbers, electricians, etc. and even decorate the completed house with rented furniture so realtors can show & sell it.  (Proceeds fund the next year’s project.)

This year, rather than use rental art, they recruited an artist — me!! — and a photographer, to supply the art.  How cool is that!!  I pulled together photos of about 200 of my works, from oils, to water media and digital art, and invited my 7 Palettes friends to contribute as well.  The students then selected a number of pieces to complement their visions for the various rooms.

Here’s the fabulous 2018 house.  Next post, I’ll show you the art pieces the students chose.

2018 PGCPS House and Proud Teachers










Striking while the iPad ‘iron’ was hot! More unanticipated PR!

Pink Rooster features Maureen’s iPad Painting on its Facebook banner.

When I sent Marc his thank you drawing, I also sent another iPad thank you to Linda Rosetti, delightful owner of the charming Pink Rooster in Ocean Springs, MS.  Ms Rosetti had hosted the workshop participants and Marc one evening after our plein air session for the day.  Wild hair, paint-spattered clothes, sunburns and all.

In a surprise equivalent to Marc’s Instagram posting, Linda posted my image as the banner photo for the Rooster’s Facebook page.  Again, the ‘likes’ were a heart-warming follow-on. Thanks, Linda!!

