Blessings for Christmas and All Other Winter Holidays — and Happy New Year!

My husband and I are just back from a lovely Christmas in California. We visited with family in Oakland, Lincoln and Healdsburg before returning to Oakland for a final visit with grandboy Max and his parents.

Here are the two iPad images I made to use as Christmas cards, followed by another image for those of a different religious tradition or for use as New Year card.

The Baby

The Baby

I have to give ‘The Baby’ top billing — though I was inspired to paint this rendition of a statue after painting the two statues below. (I fondly think of this vignette, based on an antique shop window I saw in New York, as ‘Two Marys and the Baby’.)

Two Marys and the Baby

Two Marys and the Baby

And this cheerful sunflower may be just what we need to banish all wintry gloom and guide us into thoughts of the New Year and new Spring coming around the bend. I hope each of you is enjoying this special time of year. All my best!



iPaintings Galore

I’ve been painting up a storm on my trusty iPad lately. I had been planning to try to sell some high quality, archival prints of some images, along with greeting card prints of other paintings, over the holiday season. Bronchitis intervened. So no marketing, but plenty of satisfaction from all of the new iPad art. I’ll share them with you over the next few days.

Here are a couple:

pitcher and pals

pitcher and pals


round eggplant – never saw one before!

Thanksgiving in Santa Fe

With our two sons and their families, Pat and I spent a peaceful, beautiful and family-ful Thanksgiving in an 100 yr old adobe casa in Santa Fe. Max enjoyed sitting on the casa’s retro-fitted baseboard heating strips and charming everyone in sight. The rest of us enjoyed strolling around the lovely downtown area, hiking in the Bandelier National Monument, eating Southwestern cuisine and soaking up the art and culture.

While we were there, I painted an iPad image of the kiva fireplace in the casa. And since returning, have roughed out an image of the cliffs, fronted by trees, at Bandelier.


the kiva in the casa


Bandelier vista

Quick Sketches, Another Nude

Last week at the Yellow Barn, we were graced with a fit and angular male model, Wayne, who maintained a very difficult pose with few breaks.

I chose somewhat unconventional compositions. For the first, I was seated at roughly eye level, looking from the top of his head down the length of his prone body (he was laying atop a series of folding tables that seemed none too stable).

nude 1

For the second, which was done more quickly than the first, I sat behind Wayne, a vantage from which his body looked like a lanky wedge.

nude 2

From whatever angle, Wayne is a wonderful model.

Quick Sketches, Nudes

Working from a live model at the Yellow Barn, I made three quick iPad sketches week before last. I’m putting the best one first – you don’t need to look at the other two unless you REALLY want to.

nude 3

nude 2

nude 1

Fingerpainting Maria & Her Cool Sundress

Maria and her sassy sundress were posing at the Yellow Barn this afternoon. I think I’m getting hooked on using my iPad & ArtRage rather than those messy oils! Here’s the result of today’s session.

Maria in sundress

Maria models in her sundress.

Now Here’s One I Love!

My sweet hubby, busy reading the Saturday papers. A new ArtRage/iPad painting, done freehand, based on a reference photo I made of him some time ago. This one was done using only the watercolor tool, over a light pencil sketch on the bottom layer.

reading the Saturday Post

Pat, reading the Post on a Saturday, with coffee.

More iPad/ArtRage Art – Practicing with the Watercolor Brush

I feel much less comfortable using the ArtRage watercolor brush (and oil painting tools) than I do with chalk, pen, pencil & paint roller. So I’ve been trying to trudge up the learning curve in watercolor. Here are my two most recent efforts:

A flamenco dancer I photographed during our trip to Cuba last Spring:

Dancing in Havana

Dancing in Havana

And a scene from Glen Echo Park, based on a photograph I took a couple of years ago:

Cuddle Up at Glen Echo Park

Cuddle Up at Glen Echo Park during a Cloudy Sunset

Dancing Dervish – more ArtRage/iPad Sketches!

At our Yellow Barn class last night with Walt Bartman, our wonderful bellydancer model danced for us while we made quick gesture sketches and 15 minute studies of still poses. Exciting and intimidating all at once. We had to push way out past our comfort zones, especially those of us who aim for fairly representational paintings. I used ArtRage on the iPad, in support of my continued efforts to prepare for the class I’m teaching at Yellow Barn.