And then there’s the dog of a different stripe. Meet Pebbles. A friend who mothers this cute little ragamuffin commissioned this image of her pet.

Pebbles. Original iPad Painting. 2017. 1:1 aspect ratio.
And then there’s the dog of a different stripe. Meet Pebbles. A friend who mothers this cute little ragamuffin commissioned this image of her pet.
Pebbles. Original iPad Painting. 2017. 1:1 aspect ratio.
My brother has a gorgeous Labrador, who is about as majestic as the recumbent lion in the last post. I couldn’t resist rendering Regal CJ on the iPad. I did this on the long flight from Los Angeles to Japan a couple of months ago. Couldn’t sleep so I figured I’d do something productive instead.
CJ. Original iPad Painting. 1:1 aspect ratio. 2017.
I like to paint and draw sculptures, castings, molds and the like. It lets me focus on form and value without the distraction and mystique of glorious color. This majestic Italian lion from the BMA sculpture garden was great fun to paint.
Italian Lion, Baltimore Museum of Art. Original iPad Painting. 1:1 aspect ratio. 2017.
My husband planted some red hibiscus plants in our garden. We’ve enjoyed the resulting drama all summer long. And after spending a bit of time with my stylus and ipad, we can now enjoy the drama all winter long. . . .
Red Hibiscus. Original iPad Painting. 1:1 aspect ratio. 2017.
I’ve always loved the blue agapanthus. The last time we were out in Oakland visiting our son and his family, I spied this one in the street median. I snagged some of its seed pods and this image. It’s a bit rough, but I like it anyway.
Agapanthus. Original iPad Painting. 1:1 aspect ratio. 2017.
Father and Son at the Beach. Original iPad Painting. 4:5 aspect ratio. 2017.
And another father-son in the water! What’s sweeter to behold than a parent and child at play?
A papa and son at the wading pool . . . . with mama looking on in the background.
Father and Son at the Wading Pool. Original iPad Painting. 1:1 aspect ratio. 2017
This little girl is also playing at ballerina, but she’s got a wholly different take on the job description from yesterday’s dancer. It was a joy to paint each of them!
Ballerina II. Original iPad Art. 4:5 aspect ratio. 2017
I love painting kids at play. Here’s a little girl playing ballerina. She’s got it down.
Ballerina I. Original iPad art. 1:1 aspect ratio. 2017.
It’s football season and while watching games with my husband I often doodle on the iPad. I’m making some pictures to sell as prints during an exhibit this January. Here’s one that’s more personal, in honor of my Dad who passed away in August 2016. It includes comments from his last few weeks of life.
R.I.P. Original iPad art. 4×5 aspect ratio. 2017