White on White on White. Oil on Canvas. Marine Scene. Oil on Canvas. Playdate. Oil on Canvas. The star. Oil on Arches Huile Paper. 12 x 16. Bright palette – orange and lemon. Watercolor on paper. 4×6. My Orchid Swooning. Oil on Arches Huile Paper. Remnants of a Covid Walk. Oil on Arches Huile Paper. Courtiers. Oil on Arches Huile Paper. Honey, Don’t Forget to Brush! Oil on Arches Huile Paper. Roses. Watercolor on Paper. Duo. Watercolor on Paper. Peruvian Lilly. Watercolor on Paper. Rubinesque Hydrangeas. Oil on Linen. At the Dance. Oil on Linen. Horus with Flowers Blue Table. Oil on Canvas. Ceci’s Hibiscus. Oil on Linen. Day Lillies. Oil on Linen. Red Tulips. Oil on Arches Huile Paper. Two Shells, Three Pearls. Oil on ARches Huile Paper. Calla Lillies. Oil on Linen. Dueling Beverages. Oil on Linen, Two Textures. Oil on Linen. Still Life with Green Pot. Oil on Linen. After van Veerendael’s Flowers in a Crystal Vase. Oil on lInen.
Collection. Watercolor on Paper. Private Collection. Grandmas’ Legacies. Oil on Linen. Private Collection. Ceramics and Dried Stuff. Oil on Arches Huile Paper. Private Collection. Peonies. Watercolor on Paper. Private Collection. Moses and others. Watercolor on Paper. Private Colletion. Teatime Active. Watercolor on Paper. Private Collection. Teatime Static. Watercolor on Paper. Avocado & Oil. Watercolor on Paper. Private Collection. Orange and Lemon. Watercolor on Paper. Private Collection. Don’t Pinch! Oil on Linen. Private Collection. Pineapple Guava. Oil on Arches Huile Paper. Private Collection. Toy Plane. Oil on Canvas. Private Collection. Mary’s Orchids. Oil on Linen Board. Private Collection. Memento Mori. Oil on Arches Oil Paper. Private Collection. Bookworm. Oil on Canvas. SOLD Figurines. Oil on Linen. Private Collection. Irises. Oil on Arches Huile Paper. Private Collection. Shells. Oil on Arches Huile Paper. Private Collection. Shell ‘Fresco’. Oil on Paper. Private Collection. Radish. Watercolor on Paper. Private Collection. Solitary Pear. Oil on Arches Huile Paper. Privvate Collection. Espresso Pot Stands Tall. Oil on Linen