Friends drove down from Long Island to join the Women’s March. The wife wasn’t feeling well and had to stay home, so I stayed to keep her company while my hubby and hers each grabbed a big copy of my ‘Stop Now’ poster and took the Metro down to the March.
It took them more than three hours to get to L’Enfant Plaza, a trip that usually takes about 40 minutes. Getting into and out of the stations meant additional long waits. Once at the site, they found the crowds incredibly well behaved, helpful, determined and upbeat. Many people thanked Pat & Bill for coming and asked to take their picture. Bill summed it up: I’m casting my lot with the women. They’re amazing! You don’t want to mess around with women!
I was bummed out to miss it, but lapped up the television coverage, getting a totally different perspective. Here are a few shots of my hubby’s day on the streets of DC.
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