Tag Archives: Hemingway

Interesting Things on the Way to Havana . . . Hemingway and More!

We saw some memorable things on the day we traveled from Vinales to our Havana hotel — especially Hemingway‘s house with its lovely view of Havana. We weren’t able to go inside and had to content ourselves with ogling through the open windows – but there was still plenty to see.

living room with couch, chairs and stuffed animal heads

Comfortable living room with mounted trophies . We all agreed that, unlike celebrity homes we often read about, we could see ourselves living in this room.

simple desk and chair, book shelves, mementos

His simple desk and chair, surrounded by books and mementos.

a bathroom with commode, bookshelf and curiosity shelf

A stash of books by his john — and note that pickled something or other on the shelf!

a closet filled with shoes, boots and hats and his Spanish Civil War uniform

His Spanish Civil War uniform, boots, shoes and hats, all as he left them the day he was exiled from Cuba.

Another desk and more of his thousands of books.

The next post will show a few more highlights from our drive to central Havana.