Tag Archives: Ohr-O’Keefe Museum of Art

I’m sending a painting to the Ohr-O’Keefe Museum of Art auction! Help us fundraise!

Marsh and Blue Skies. Oil on Linen. 20×16. 2018.

Am just back from UPS, having sent one of my ‘babies’ down to the Ohr-O’Keefe Museum of Art in Biloxi MS. It’s a contribution to an upcoming auction to benefit the museum. I hope someone saves me from the embarrassment of it going unsold!!!! (I’m sure they’ll let you bid long-distance if you call! Help me help me help me!). That was tongue-in-cheek!  [NOT!]

For those of you in the area, the auction is going to be at a fabulous event — enjoy a beautiful home, wonderful food, and play murder-mystery as entertainment.  If I were down there, I’d definitely be there!  Contact the museum for tickets if you’d like to attend.

It’s Giving Tuesday! Give to the OHR to Give ART to Children!

 It’s Giving Tuesday!  I’ve given to the Ohr and hope you will too!

For those who haven’t heard of this relatively new movement, it’s a day focused on charitable giving, coinciding with the season of thanksgiving.  One of my main charities is Biloxi, Mississippi’s Ohr-O’Keefe Museum of Art, which Dad supported with the sweat of his brow (and, yes, coins) for more than a decade.  The Ohr provides an array of arts-focused education to children, as well as adults in the community.  And its exhibits and architecture uniquely enrich the Gulf Coast.  Please consider contributing today!  Thanks!










