Tag Archives: oil paintings

Painting #18. Toothiness I ~~ the Start of Another Intermittent Series

My hubby and I stick our toothbrushes into a tarnished old holder in between brushings.  Awhile back, I started paying attention to how they’re standing ~~ are they facing each other leaning in for a kiss?  Are they turned away from each other?  Is one facing away while the other looks on?

It’s been fun anthropomorphizing these humble objects.  I’ve even started noticing brush positions at other folks’ homes — family, mind you, not friends!!  I’ve taken photos of some of these little vignettes and even crafted some arrangements.  They’re a form of truthiness — errrr toothiness, right??  Or am I just crazy?

Here’s a painting of our ancient holder and current brushes, from life . . . .

#18. Toothiness I. Oil on Arches Oil Paper. 8″ x 10″.


The ‘7 Palettes’ Kicked Off a Summer-long Exhibit Yesterday!

Yesterday, some friends and I, who collaborate on all things art as The 7 Palettes,  opened a new exhibit in Bethesda, Maryland.  Our art — some 40+ pieces — will be displayed for three months at Maplewood Park Place on Old Georgetown Road.  Come see our pretties, please — any day between now and August 24, from 10 to 4 daily.   And congratulations to Sara Becker, whose large abstract painting sold during the Opening Reception!!  Way to go, Sara!