Tag Archives: Washington DC

Art for the Moment ~~ and Ongoing Display at Steptoe: STOP NOW

On a whim, I doodled on my iPad in response to an open call for poster art for the upcoming Women’s March on Washington.   One of its themes — “women’s rights are human rights” — reminded me of the good that women can do for everyone, when they act — and react — for the common good.  Here’s what I created.

STOP NOW.  Original iPad painting, 2017.

Though mine wasn’t among the five chosen from more than 5,000 entries, I’m satisfied with it nonetheless.

And I’m even prouder that my former law firm, Steptoe & Johnson LLP, is going to print the image six feet tall for display at the DC office where I practiced law for many years.  Wow.  Thanks go to partner Pantelis Michaelopoulos and his wife Cynthia Quarterman, also a Steptoe alum, who saw my art at last week’s champagne reception and proposed that the firm acquire ‘Stop Now’ for its collection.

My Local iPad Art Classes Reviewed in ArtRageUS Magazine!

Stepping back a bit more in time, I am happy to report that I’m now published (digitally, at least) in connection with my iPad art teaching activities. ArtRageUS, the online magazine for users of the ArtRage app, published an article about my efforts to bring iPad art to the Washington DC area in its Third Anniversary issue, March 2013.

Here’s the article, as well as a link to ArtRageUS, in case you’d like to peruse or subscribe.