Touring and Painting a Cuban Tobacco Farm

For the next cultural-artistic adventure, we bused to nearby Vinales town and hiked to a small tobacco farm out on the valley floor.

The tobacco farm set against pasters.

Our first glimpse of the farm.

The farmer's wife brews coffee for our group

The farmer’s wife brews coffee.

In the thatched kitchen — an outbuilding, so as to minimize the risk of fire — we enjoyed a complimentary coffee brewed by the farmer’s wife from beans grown and roasted by the family.

As we sat around with some of the best coffee we’ve ever had, her husband demonstrated his cigar-rolling technique. It was interesting to learn that each farm family uses its own secret recipe to ferment its 10% share of the annual tobacco crop.

We were able to persuade the farmer to move his table outside and demo his technique again — this time, we painted. Another wonderful local subject!

The farmer poses for the painters.

The farmer turns model for the afternoon.

I was grateful to snag a small chair and a sliver of shade for our painting session. Here’s the watercolor I made.

the tobacco farmer poses for us in his yard

The tobacco farmer with background bull.

4 thoughts on “Touring and Painting a Cuban Tobacco Farm

  1. Mary Snell

    I’m not sure if you received my other posting on your wonderful trip but each time you give a little taste of your discoveries gives me a big smiley face!

    1. ms maureen

      Hi Mary. No, I didn’t get the other one – wonder what happened. . . . Am delighted to know that you’re enjoying the posts and, vicariously, our foray into Cuba. I’ve got a few followers, but sometimes I feel like the posts are just going ‘out there’ into the ether with not much reaction. On the other hand, I’m kinda scared for anyone to actually notice me. Conflicted again! Ah well . . .


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